
Baby Colic Relief

Anyone who has ever had to deal with baby colic night after night knows just how utterly draining this condition can be. Pacing the floors at all hours of the night and day with a tiny infant screaming is enough to turn the best-intentioned parent into a blubbering mess. Fortunately, baby colic relief is possible for many infants.

No one seems to know exactly what causes baby colic, but it is something that many parents deal with. The baby appears to be in pain, screaming and pulling the legs up to the abdomen. In some cases, the pain may be caused by gas, which can be resolved by giving the infant gripe water, designed to soothe tummy upsets and help the baby eliminate gas.

Colic doesn’t usually last for more than a month or two, but those two months can seem like a lifetime! Here are a few tips that may help you soothe your infant.

- Lay your baby on her back on the bed and pedal her legs as if she were riding a bike. This can also be an effective way to get out the excess gas that may be causing discomfort.

- Hold the baby upright, over your shoulder and rub her back. This position seems to calm many colicky babies.

- Lay the infant face down on your knees and pat her back.

- Even if your baby isn’t hungry, she may want to suck on a pacifier, especially if the colic seemed to appear with the onset of teething.

- Try swaddling your baby, wrapping her tightly in a blanket, with her hands at her sides. Some infants are over stimulated by their own uncontrolled arm movements and limiting them may help her sleep. Each baby is different, however.

- Movement is always a soother, but you may find yourself tiring out before your baby. Try moving her in a vibrating bouncy seat or rocker, or put her into a swing.

It can help to have someone else, a spouse or family member, to spell you once in a while. No one can deal with a screaming child day in and day out! Get support to make sure that you are able to get the rest you need and you’ll be better able to handle your baby.